Wednesday 15 April 2009

Pecha Kucha and Powerpoints!

Most of you have probably never even heard of what Pecha Kucha is, well, dont tell me I spoiled it but it is baisically a powerpoint with 20 slides and 20 seconds to get through each one. First I'm giong to tell you about how not to make a powerpoint, and I got these great but obvious tips from a youtube video Don Macmillans How not to use powerpoint. It was pretty simple, people dont use spell check, they write everything, keep using bullet points, bad colour backgrounds, not too much data or silly animations as we all get easily distracted and boring yet sometimes over the top fonts. But on the other hand do completely use the odd animation or the boring font that you might like. BUt just do the opposite of the above for a perfect presentation.

Monday 16 March 2009

Tagging and Delicous

Tagging is when one can write something related to a picture, like football if the picture shows a football player, and hyperlinking that word. Flickr uses these words to help in their different searches for pictures like the football player, to make it helpful and easier for someone to search and explore a certain topic. flickr enables the tagging of pictures, facebook allows the tagging of pictures and videos and Delicous allows one to tag bookmarks. Delicous is a social bookmarking website where people tag websites and articles on the web. It was created by a man called Joshua Schacter in 2003 and after catching the eye of yahoo, it was bought by them in 2005 and for $20 million. It has 5 million users and has 150 million bookmarked URL's that have nbeen contributed to the website.

Monday 9 March 2009


Flickr is a website where anyone can share any photo or videos of theirs. As of November 2008 it claims to host more than 3 billion images. It was developed by a company called Ludicorp who are based in Vancouver and it was released in 2004. It was originnaly made from a program software called the GameNeverending, which was a massive online multiplayer game for the whole world to enjoy. What anyone can do is upload a video and allow it to some of their friends or the public if they want their private settings to allow this. Also any of these can be tagged by themselves and they can also have GPS satellites which can track down their positions to enormous accuracy.

Monday 2 March 2009

FAcebook Privacy

I think that when one is on a social networking site one should always know all of the privacy settings are to their own standard and how they want them to be as if something goes wrong and many people are allowed access to one's own facebook profile there can be disastrous consequences. ONe must know who their own friends are and how to keep themselvbes safe one sites like facebook as when one is your apparent friend bad things are liable to happen.

Monday 23 February 2009


Facebook is, very simply a free social networking site. All of the users have to enter some quite personal imformation for example your country and your first and last names and one can even optionally of course upload a photo of themselves. But something that apparently protects someone fomr all of the dodgy stalkers in this world is that one can choose if they want to have it open for public access or only for use of their friends. People can also add friends and send people personel messages and update their personal profiles about themselves so that their friends can know all about their private lives. A student at 21 called Mark Zuckerberg founded this site and it is open to people aged 13 and over, meaning there are over 175000000 users around the world. It has causen a lot of controversy for example aspects of privacy. For example people put all of their pesonal details and then complain about it being on the web but in my opinion it was optional and if one chose to put it on then technically they cannot complain as it was their choice. A different point and case that I am going to use is that of one of my favoutie footballers called ALESsandro Del Piero, a famous Italian Footballer who plays for Juventus. It was apparently assumed that he was suing face book as someone had created a page of him and had associated him with Nazi Propaganda. IN my opinion these sites have advantages and disadvantages, and if one does something that they either should not have or did not realise the information that they were giving away they shouls very much have to live with the consequences that they will have to face for the rest of their lives.

My Digital Identity

Though my first name is quite a common name, when I typed in my own full name into google of course I could identify myself. However when i went on these websites i found astonishingly that it gave away the details of my friends, whic could be quite understandable concerning the website, and therefore that is the extent of my digital identity. But however in the car this morning at a traffic light, I noticed the camera at the top, and I realised that I could be known about by anyone. Also I have something like an osyster card, but even then my photo had to be taken and was sent off to god knows where, It could have ended up in anyone's hands realisticly. I also have a mobile phone which means that the police could be tracking me anywhere in the world at anytime, on something so common that we take for granted. Also it is obvious that I will be on CCTV cameras all my life but how can we trust the police and the government to keep all of this information private.


Microblogging is where people can use text updates which are brief and concise which are usually less than 100 words or in a micromedia file which consists of a photo or an audio clip which can be viewed by the public or by a persons friends and by this he enables himself to choose who can see what one says. Also some people can use for business purposes or for one's individual's needs. For example twitter, which was founded by three guys called Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams. It was originally a research and development project and it has 31 employees and had 5 million visitors in September 2008 like Stephen Fry.

Monday 26 January 2009

What I thought of the Three Websites.

This is what I thought of the first wiki that you gave to us. I thought that the wiki on the science museum was quite good as it first of all told us that it had over 250 different document or topics that it had on the wiki. Also it was good from a business perspective as most of the links went onto the science museum website and the wiki was very siomple and not very boring as it had wuite a few pictures and a numerous amount of hyperlinks. I have learned that form this wiki one can still have links onto the other websites. From the ThinkWiki website the thing I liked was that it was full of life and very active. Yet what I learned form it that was bad about the wiki was that there was a lot of advertising from ebay for example that made it a bit tacky. Also I liked the fact that one could bookmark the sit on FACEBOOK for example. And for the final one on the school of architecture


In the words of Wikipedia, the worlds biggest online encyclopedia in the world, a wiki is a combination of thousands of millions of webpages on one site, which enables anyone in the world, to ascess what ever page they want and to edit the page to how they like it, yet this may not be approved of by the creators. Wikis are best used in businesses to where they are able to provide intranet and Knowledge Management systems where one will now never need to email again, they can write and edit others and their own ideas, which is so much easier and quicker and simpler than your email. WikiWikiWeb was the first sit to officialy be called a wiki. A man named Ward Cunnigham started inventing and doveloping WikiWikiWeb in the year of 1994 and published it on the internet on March 5 1995. the trademark of a good wiki is many mor hyperlinks onto its own website which is simple easy and fast, (wiki is fast in Hawiian) for someone to use.

Sunday 25 January 2009

Google Earth

Now, I expect that most of you have used, seen or heard of Google Earth, but just to brighten up your day I am going to tell you all about one of the coolest things of all time. As you most probabl;y know, Google Earth is a very complicated 3D visual simulation of our earth and it was created by one of google's own companies, by Keyhole Inc. It is a supercomposition of satellite images andaerial photography and of course GIS 3D Globe. It was released in June 2006 and is availible opn all computers and even your usual Iphone. furthermore on the latest version of Google Earth, Google have invented a flight simulator which is a completely hidden feature. Also Google have included a sky feature which enables one to look at the galaxies and stars in most of the universe just like an astrologer. Finally it has a mode named street view which is so intimate that it gives one a 360 degree view of a street in most places in the world

Monday 19 January 2009

My blog And the History of Blogs.

I have been asked to keep and update this blog because of my ICT project in which I will be investigating the history of blogs and many other topics do do with ICT.The modern blog evolved from the online diary,which is when a person would post comments and keep updating their life. The term 'weblog' was invented by a man called Jorn Barger.  In 1993, a man named Glen Barry who also started the first political blog,  the forest protection blog. Evan Williams and Pyra Lab then launched this website, blogger, in 1999. and as we all know, a blog is one's own small websitewhere we can find regular entries of commentries, events, or important things that are going on in ones life.