Monday 23 February 2009

My Digital Identity

Though my first name is quite a common name, when I typed in my own full name into google of course I could identify myself. However when i went on these websites i found astonishingly that it gave away the details of my friends, whic could be quite understandable concerning the website, and therefore that is the extent of my digital identity. But however in the car this morning at a traffic light, I noticed the camera at the top, and I realised that I could be known about by anyone. Also I have something like an osyster card, but even then my photo had to be taken and was sent off to god knows where, It could have ended up in anyone's hands realisticly. I also have a mobile phone which means that the police could be tracking me anywhere in the world at anytime, on something so common that we take for granted. Also it is obvious that I will be on CCTV cameras all my life but how can we trust the police and the government to keep all of this information private.

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